Shopping Pains: What Consumers Don’t Know About The Supply Chain

The supply chain is a corporate schema that the community of consumers is highly dependent on, but is not fully aware of. Most consumers are reactive in nature, driven by the needs that are immediate, as the pressure to buy tends to unfold on a transnational basis.

A tube of toothpaste, for instance, has an interesting story to tell. The supply chain is concerned with the full spectrum of the process, from the harvesting of calcium from seashells in the ocean, and its incorporation with chemical flavoring, all the way to the design of casings made of recycled paper and colorants which catch the consumer’s eyes on display racks.

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Any random consumer good, whether it’s toothpaste, hamburgers or internet service, results from the efforts of many people clocking in thousands of hours of labor. While production is a complex thing right there, we haven’t even discussed marketing, sales and distribution yet.

There is rabid competition in each stage of the process. Here the top consideration is value for money. Purchasers spend for the best that their money can buy from suppliers who want to make a profit. Along these lines are found creases in the process which present windows of opportunities, in the form of erratic pricing behavior. This might explain why two identical products you simultaneously find online may have different prices.

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Personal shoppers eliminate the consumer’s shopping pains of having to decipher the best purchasing decisions they need to make. They thrive on finding such windows of opportunities which make them assets to the consumers they represent, leaving them secure with their purchases so that they may have the peace of mind to go back to other matters in the business of life.

Club Luichi prides itself in making shopping a hassle-free experience for all its members. Visit their website for more information about the company.

Microsoft Releases New Personal Shopping Assistant Extension

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Microsoft has just released a new personal shopping assistant Chrome extension. The extension performs all the necessary functions as a human personal shopper, organizing products visited online, and then comparing prices. This helps the user choose products at their most ideal price. The Chrome extensions also allow users to get immediately notified on price changes for favorited items. Microsoft Garage announced that it would release a further update to the extension to be compatible with mobile phones. This will be done through a companion website. Other supposed updates include a conversational bot similar to those featured on such apps as Skype.

The release of the extension has been largely and positively received by those in the personal shopping industry. There are still negative connotations that come with the market; many individuals do not appreciate the work personal shoppers do. Microsoft hopes that the new Chrome extension will slowly lessen the misconception and put the industry in a better light. The extension is also seen as a means in which personal shoppers can supplement their business. It becomes easier to explain their service to clients who have never heard of personal shopping before. Hesitant customers can use the app and determine how they feel about it.

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The app is used as a tool to make shopping decisions easier. It is still going through its initial phases and cannot offer the suggestions and expertise a real personal shopper can give. It is best still to contact a trusted group of professional shoppers for all one’s shopping needs.

Club Luichi is a growing network of experienced and trained personal shoppers. Understand how the company can assist you further by visiting this Twitter account.

How Personal Shopping Can Help Businesses Enhance Revenue While Cutting Costs

The pace in which a company grows is directly correlated to how well it understands and appreciates market costs and research. For the most part, enterprises focus on financial aspects and deal with experts in the field on how to efficiently manage costs and expenses. This means that in terms of growth circles, businesses tend to communicate with the same industries. This has worked well before, but technologies and changing sensibilities have shifted the way economics are understood.

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Data shows the businesses may want to consider optimizing their logistics by employing the service of a personal shopper. This, many financial experts say, is the future of both shopping and corporate business.

Personal shopping has been used solely for cosmetic and individual gain since it began. Many fashionistas employed a personal shopper in the interest of time; these people needing to have the latest trend and not wanting to be left behind. This encouraged the personal shopping industry to become quite close-knit. Both manufacturers and distributors depended on their personal shoppers to move their products and similarly, personal shoppers used their connections to get the best deals.

Innovative businessmen understood that this was a characteristic that could help move other products than clothing. Personal shoppers already knew the fast-paced lifestyle of their clients and can negotiate for the best price. It may have seemed like an unlikely change, but several of these studies concluded that many personal shoppers found the transition to be relatively easy. The basic mechanics remain the same; the only difference is the clientele.

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Club Luichi is a recognized group of professional personal shoppers. Read more about the company’s services here.

Upper-Class Luxury: Top Lifestyle Services For The World’s Top 1 Percent

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While people have outgrown the idea that the world’s wealthiest 1 percent truly have got it made, it’s a bit surprising to know that the affluent still could use some help in making their already comfortable upscale lives even easier.

Take a look at this list of upscale services highly sought by the super rich and famous:

  • Next-level personal shoppers – They are not your ordinary personal shoppers. Not only do they have their clients’ wardrobe encoded in a database, but they also keep track of designer trends and usually re-measure their clients twice a year, eliminating the hassles of hunting for the correct size or tailoring all year round.
  • Concierge medicine – The super rich aren’t that inclined to access health care the way masses do. They usually turn to what’s dubbed as the “Rolls Royce model of medical care” to receive an exceptional standard of care at home.
  • PRIMA Cinema Services – The company made it possible to watch newly released movies on the same day they open in theaters from the comfort, privacy, and security of the super wealthy’s own home. It’s said to cost you $35,000 to operate this service and $500 to $600 for every movie ordered.
  • Full-service travel agents – These people book flights and hotels, arrange visas, handle client’s money, and act as liaison officer fixing any problem regarding the trip.
  • Christmas tree stylist – The wealthy can spend as much as $20,000 for a well-designed Christmas tree that they’ll surely trash out come January 1st.

If you’re in the market for a job that doesn’t even look like work, why don’t you try working for the super rich? If you’re not cut for any of the services listed above, you can still try your luck as a personal Ferrari shopper, mega mansion movie theater designer, or a Lamborghini dealer. Sounds cool, right?

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Club Luichi uses a competitive business model that allows its members to experience a more transparent pricing in a broad range of services, such as travel planning, restaurant reservation, and purchasing inquiry. Click here to learn more about the company’s exclusive products and services.

Bringin’ Down The House: Making a Perfect Summer-Themed Party

Summer is almost here! Not everyone wants a trip to the beach—some just want to spend time with friends in their very own “backyard oasis.” Thinking of hosting a summer party? Here are stress-free tips for the newbie party host.

Get an extra hand
It won’t hurt to get a little help from personal consultants. Besides, merely hosting is a tough job to handle. Choose the talented staff at Club Luichi to help with preparations, vendor hunting, and more.

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Think of a specific theme
Most people think that summer parties are for flowy dresses, lei, and shorts, but a little creativity will go a long way. Want a Hawaiian or a pirate-themed party? Make those creative juices work and think of a hip new theme.

Plan menus and decorations
The decoration and menu should be in-sync with the theme. Choose dishes and beverages that are easy yet fun to prepare.

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Spread the word
What’s the party for and what should guests expect from it? Spread the word by handing out hand-crafted, themed invitations or by setting up e-invitations via Facebook and other social media platforms. Have the guests RSVP two weeks before the event.

Make your party an event to remember with Club Luichi. Learn more about its personal concierge and party planning services by visiting this Twitter page.

Ready, Set, Buy: Online Stores vs. Shopping Malls

Online stores have been around for a while now, and brick-and-mortar businesses have taken a hit. There has been much debate on which way of shopping is better. The truth of the matter is both avenues of shopping have their advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to convenience, the advantage goes to online shopping. A few clicks will get the consumer the desired product. There won’t be any need to leave the comfort of the home and venture off into the malls that are often packed to the core, especially during the holidays. Although people who love walking and live to burn calories would be better off going to the nearest supermall.


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Price-wise, brick-and-mortar shops have the upper hand, because of two words: shipping fees. Shipping costs can be exceptionally unreasonable. Most of the time, shipping fees cost more than the gas people put into their cars to get to the mall. However, if the nearest shopping mall is three hours away (which is rarely the case), then common sense dictates that the consumer set up an online account since the amount paid for shipping fees would probably be smaller than that of gas.

Finally, consider customer service. For consumers who prefer the human element of shopping, then malls might be best. Salespeople are usually trained in providing customers with whatever they ask for, and answering any questions shoppers might have before purchasing a product.

The bottom line is that where to shop mostly depends on consumer preference. If convenience, pricing, and experience are to be considered, then customers should evaluate the choices for either a more practical or pleasant way to go about shopping.

Club Luichi is an online community that helps consumers seek out the best course in which they could go about shopping. For more ecommerce reads, subscribe to this blog.

Have A Meaningful Vacation With These Accommodation Options

There are people who dread the idea of traveling because they do not have enough money to stay in a fancy hotel. There are many ways travelers can find a place to stay without sacrificing an entire holiday travel fund.

If you do not have much budget for a night’s stay in a hotel, but still want to have a meaningful and comfortable stay, you can still see the world with a smaller fraction of your budget. Check out these accommodation options and see if these would suit your needs:.

Short-term Rentals
If you don’t want to stay in a hotel, but still want to save costs, you can look for short-term rentals. These can be in the form of homes or apartments. These fully-furnished rentals are less expensive than hotels, and often they can offer with the same amenities. Most homes and apartments have TV, internet, and free breakfast offerings. Try this if you are traveling with family and friends, or if you are planning to stay in a place for more than a week.

Homestays are ideal for those who wish to know more about the country’s culture. These homestays showcase luxurious and traditional living. Most homestays are hosted by families with spare amenities. Moreover, these families can help you go around the city without the additional cost.

Learn more about traveling and business preparations withClub Luichi. For more information on its services, read thisblog.

Halloween Candy and Costumes: Get the Most Value by Shopping Wholesale

Halloween is one of the most anticipated events of the year, with people across the country prepping for a night of spooky fun by planning parties and movie screenings, buying or making costumes, and purchasing candy for trick or treaters.

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Halloween is fun, but preparing for it can be tiring and tedious. People who shop for candy,costumes, and decor at physical stores will often find that the selections are often limited, and, for last minute shoppers, the lines are often long. For people who are planning large parties or events, shopping for food items and decor can be even more exhausting.

Fortunately, many companies sell candy and snacks in bulk. Bulk stores and wholesalers, both physical and online, sell large bags of candy for significantly less cost than retail stores. It’s also less of a hassle to purchase wholesale because there’s no need to queue: Most wholesalers deliver purchases to their customers’ doors.

The same goes for costumes and décor. Those planning large get-togethers this Halloween can purchase from wholesalers all types of Halloween decorations, from fake tombstones to pumpkin and ghost wall hangings. They don’t even have to leave the house to do so.

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While do-it-yourself costumes are creative and unique, not everyone has the time or ability to sew. Large families and groups of friends can also purchase costumes in bulk prior to Halloween. Many wholesalers offer a wide selection of Halloween costumes for kids and adults.

However, not all bulk stores or online wholesale retailers sell to ordinary consumers, with most preferring to deal with retail stores. Wholesalers make the most of their business by selling large quantities of stock very quickly, and even large families and groups of friends might not be able to meet their requirements in terms of number of items purchased.

Online concierge services like Club Luichi help consumers gain access to wholesale prices on a variety of goods and services, such as seasonal food items, decorations, and costumes. They can also connect consumers directly to manufacturers for better deals. To learn more about the company’s services, subscribe to this blog.

No more middleman: Why direct communication benefits both the consumer and the retailer

Business economics has changed. Many financial advisors are encouraging both business owners and consumers to engage in direct communication for faster and clearer transactions. The elimination of the middleman encourages both parties to understand the product and the business relationship fully.

What is interesting to note is that this trend is actually an off-shoot of how business deals were conducted before. When business models were just beginning, most relationships were between the person selling the specific product and the person buying it. It was essentially a simple system; one similar to bartering. Eventually, businesses expanded, and it became challenging for a single supplier to communicate with several people. This lead to the creation of the middleman; a person who conducted the business between the two parties.

This was met with much success, and people started using middlemen to boost efficiency. Unfortunately, the expansion occurred at such a pace as to undermine the core reason for its creation. Middlemen were no longer conveyors of messages. Business deals sometimes fell because of miscommunication. There was also the technology. Mobile apps not only allowed people to communicate in real time but eliminated the need for a third party.


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This was translated into businesses, with online platforms being created to connect consumers to wholesalers. Without the middleman, it became necessary for consumers to research about the product they wanted so that they could ask relevant questions to the retailers. On the other hand, wholesalers benefitted from the interaction with the people who actually bought their materials. This meant that they would gain a better understanding of their market.

Be part of the growing market of direct marketing and communication with Club Luichi, an online hub that connects consumers to retailers. For more information, follow this Twitter account.

Online retailing: Three ways to drive traffic to an e-commerce website

Retailers with no brick-and-mortar store face the challenge of driving traffic to their e-commerce website. A company with a store on the high-street can rely on traditional marketing tactics to make a profit, but online retailers’ bread and butter is the success of its efforts at driving traffic to their e-commerce websites.

Quality traffic, the kind that translates into sales, is what online retailers need. However, paying customers won’t visit an online store if they don’t know it exists. Therefore, the first step is to create an attractive, well-designed website that provides ample information about the products or services offered by the retailer.


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To attract potential paying customers to the website, an online retailer can try the following tips:

1. Create a Facebook page

Facebook is a great platform for attracting customers, driving traffic to an e-commerce website, and retaining customers. It also serves as a source for those looking for more information on a brand and is an easy, straightforward way for brand representatives to communicate with customers and create a community.

2. Utilize the power of Instagram

Influences are individuals that hold a high status within their niche on social media websites. According to, Instagram generates higher order average values than other social media websites such as Facebook and Polyvore, and a study by Socialbakers found that Instagram provides brands with 25 percent more engagement than any other social media website.

Building a relationship with an Instagram influencer instantly gives a retailer a wider audience for their message and their products. Online retailers can start by sharing free samples to Instagram influencers within their target market in exchange for a shout-out or a review.


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3. Create a blog

Blogs do double duty. They help online retailers provide useful information about their brand, their products and services, and news about promotions or special offers. More importantly, blogs help with a brand’s search engine optimization and helps further cement its Internet presence.

Driving traffic to an e-commerce website is hard work, but the payoff can be great: increased sales and a wider customer base are just two examples of the benefits of increased traffic.

For more articles on e-commerce, subscribe to this Club Luichi blog.